Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

To DMRippy, Thank You

She is not your typical bird and I for one enjoyed seeing her. Someone on BYC posted some of their project birds similar to her and I just LOVE them. You don't need to remove anything.......
My wheatans just started laying in December. They were tiny and pale now they are medium size and bluer. My blue wheatans eggs started out like the upper right two in pic. Now they're evened out

This picture is what I expected to see from mine...I am bummed as it is no short or easy task raising a chickens to have this pop up....
Might be an OE. That is a lot of green.....Not sure if a AM can lay that green....I do have some of my AM's have a slight green cast when they start to lay..after a few months it is hard to see any green.
No, they are not OE but thank you on that. The look Wheaten and blue Wheaten but obviously have something else going on there. I know what line they are and the person I got them from said she did not mix them with anything but that one persons line so something else is coming out.
"rich blue TO olive green" would be an Easter egger or olive egger wouldn't it? (here maran x ameracauna crosses often lay deep olive colors) many people buy EE as ameraucana from hatcheries, start breeding and continue to call them ameraucana, unaware they are EEs, because they themselves paid good money for what they thought was ameraucana. Check bottoms of there feet. Yellow would indicate an EE. White an ameraucana.
I appreciate the input on the eggs color. If I purchased Ameraucana eggs and they came the color I got yesterday from my hen I would assume I has Easter Egger eggs, I was just hopeful with all the time I have in these hens that maybe I had over looked some starting point in eggs color from my girls. I hatched these hens and they came out of beautiful light blue eggs. That does not mean something did not mix with the hen that laid them though...unfortunately...
Don't leave. Or remove pics :( they're so pretty!
You will get more...its chicken math! And this is an amazing thread for info!

Oh Ok :(  :hit
:idunno Well Thanks for ALL of your Input & Help :thumbsup All Of You!
:rolleyes: look like I got duped out of what I was aiming for; :love Oh Well my egg customers still like her egg & I'm still Happy with her & Still lover her.

Sorry if I Crossed a line by calling my grails AMs when they apparently aren't.
Dose this meen I need to remove her photos & or can No-Longer be apart of this groop?:oops:
I waited 6 months for my EEs egg I thought was an AM, then found out. Then bought wheatan and waited Another 6 months and freaked out about the light odd eggs lol they evened out tho. They anticipation is crazy and when they finally laid it was like I laid it myself I was so happy lol ahhh the lil things.
This picture is what I expected to see from mine...I am bummed as it is no short or easy task raising a chickens to have this pop up....
K Hi I originally bought my 1st 4 True Ameraucana's in May of last year aka 2013 :thumbsup :love Absolutely Beautiful birds I got 3 Blacks & 1 Blue from an out of town breeder. Do to Hawks & neighborhood Dogs I am now down to having only my Blue one left :( am hoping to get more. Mom holding MY Blue wile I Took the Photo. My 2 Black ones: Miss Priss & Wild One Who are now gone:(

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