Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

wheatEn with an E not an O
don't see that any more
thank you!
I'm entering my first poultry shows in March and am trying to understand the whole poultry-exhibiting game. I've shown dogs, so I thought that showing poultry would have the same sort of elimination system until you get to the bird the judge(s) believe to the very top specimen at the show.

I have been looking through APA's web site and did not find my answers. I did find the show rules, but they didn't have much information in them. The link to the Constitution and By Laws failed.

I didn't see in the show rules any restrictions on who may show under a judge. For example, could I show my Cochins that I just bought under the judge who bred them and sold them to me? If one of my immediate family members is a judge, can I show under them? I didn't see that addressed in the Show Rules. Perhaps they are in the Constitution and Bylaws, but that link didn't work so I couldn't read them.

I read the show rules, but nothing is mentioned about how birds actually compete, other than to say that non-recognized varieties (in my case, splash Ameraucanas and splash bantam Cochins) can only compete up to Best of Variety.

Nowhere in the show rules does it talk about the classes or the route the Best of Variety goes to end up being the top bird in the show. I am assuming there is a bird awarded something akin to dog shows' Best in Show.

I also read through their list of APA list of recognized breeds and varieties. I find Cochins listed as "Asiatic" and also as "Feather Legged." I was surprised to find Ameraucanas listed as "All Other Comb Clean Legged" and not in the American group, especially when the SOP describes them as being developed in the United States in the 1970s.

The SOP didn't offer a lot, either.

Can someone explain to me the route an entry of aBlue Wheaten Ameraucana pullet would take if the judge thought she was the best bird in the show? What awards would she win to go to the top? Or is there a top bird?

I am finding this a lot more confusing than I expected. Thanks everyone for your patience.
These are project mottled ameraucanas. Could anyone sex these 2 juveniles for me please?
I had always assumed they were boys but now I am not at all sure.

Older hen


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