Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Well, let me warn you. Getting too familiar with a rooster can backfire on you. Especially when he is grown and breeding. I don't think EE's are bred for temperment and some of them can be pretty mean. If you get too familiar with a rooster he will lose his fear of you and may try to fight you later on. Especially when you touch his hens. It is very hard to change that behaviour once it starts. Do what you have to do with them and put them down is the best way not to encourage that behaviour in the future. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
After having probably over 100 Roosters in the 14 years that i have had chickens, my very first chick(an EE) and 2 years ago another (EE) both were attack Roos without reason anytime someone came around. None of the others of many breeds have been this way including several Ameraucana's. I even have a few Roos that are like pets…..there have been a few times that some have flown at me but it was always understandable due to other circumstances. If one deliberatly comes at you *always* just because….freezer camp….You could be sued if they hurt someone…..
They are such beautiful birds! I am hoping to get a Blue Ameraucana next year. I couldn't find any breeders this year that sexed their birds, and I don't want any roosters. Next year I will probably order a couple. I don't care if they're up to show standards because they will just be pets, but I want them to look like THIS and not some random Easter Egger.
Oh dear Mrs. Bachbach, sorry to hear can be frustrating.
. I never expected my Rita to be so Henny Pennyish. I had always read that the Ameraucana did not produce many eggs, seldom went broody etc. Well she has been a very consistent egg layer. And she is the only hen to go broody so far out of my 3 girls. I also have a Plymouth Barred Rock and a Buff Orpington. Neither of those 2 have gone broody and they are all the same age....about 7 months old! They all get along very well together...a great bunch of girls!
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When searching for an Ameraucana pullet I found that many breeders really don't know the difference between an EE or an Ameraucana,
and some will call anything that lays a blue egg an Ameraucana. You have to know your birds to be sure you obtain what you want! Hope you find an awesome hen!
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My Ameraucanas are 5 wks old and I would like some opinions on sex and any other thing you can see. I am going to post my wheatens first and I would like to know if they are both Blue Wheaten or is the one I think is a pullet is just Wheaten.

I think the first one is a pullet.

Same chick as #1

I am thinking this one may be a roo but I have gone back and forth with it.

Same bird as picture #3

I would appreciate any comments.
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I'm new to this too but I read somewhere you can tell by the number of rows on their combs. 1 female, 3 male. I don't know if you can tell yet but from the pictures you might be right. Again, I'm new to this also so I could be wrong! Pretty birds!
Now, on to my Lavenders and I am not sure that I spelled it correctly.

I think the first one is a pullet and no, I did not get a better pic of its comb.

I think the one in the forefront is a roo.

One on the left is a cockerel and one on right is pullet.

One at top is pullet?

I go back and forth as to whether I have a cockerel and a pullet or two cockerels.
All comments are appreciated, and though I did not state in my previous post, these are P. Smith birds.

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