Ameraucanas and Easters: A Common Misconception


12 Years
Mar 6, 2012
Many times I hear people calling Ameraucanas, "Easter Eggers". I can't help but correct them. This is a common misconception, but I'm here to set the record straight. "Easter Eggers", or "Easter Egg Chicken", is any chicken that lays blue/green eggs. "Easter Eggers" aren't just a nick-name for Ameraucanas. So that means that Araucanas are "Easter Eggers" also. Ameraucanas are a chicken breed that is in the catagory of "Easter Eggers", but is not the only one. The Ameraucana Breeders Club defines an Easter Egger as any chicken that possesses the blue egg gene, but doesn't fully meet any breed descriptions as defined in the APA and/or ABA standards. Further, even if a bird meets an Ameraucana standard breed description, but doesn't meet a variety description or breed true at least 50% of the time it is considered an Easter Egg chicken.


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