Ameraucanas? Hens or Cockerels?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 10, 2012
Charleston, SC
Can anyone tell me:
1. Whether or not these are Ameraucanas. They are about 13 weeks old and the feed store I bought them from as chicks told me that they were. They are so strikingly different it's hard to imagine that they are the same breed.

2. Whether they are pullets or cockerels?

Thank you so much for any help you can give this chicken newbie!

I don't think they are Ameracuana and they both look like cockerels.
Oh no! I can't have roos in the city I live in. I am super attached to the last one too. Sad. It appears that all four of my chicks are cockerels so I'll have to get rid of all of them.
Cockerels are often the friendliest... If it's any condolence many turn into little buggers once puberty hits them. :rolleyes:

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