Ameraucanas?? or just more EE's??

Ameraucanas come in eight color varieties in both LF and bantams. Ameraucanas are bearded, muffed, tailed, blue or black legs, and blue eggs.
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bet she didnt have any,,,,lol,,, man people stop here every day wanting laying hens,, and im ALWAYS saying NOPE,, if i had 500 they would be gone in 2 weeks,,,,, then they try to get me to sell 1 of MY girls,,but seem to change their minds when they hear the $300 price tag hehehe

This is gonna get so confusing for people. There are TWO recognized breeds: Auracanas & Ameraucanas.
Auracanas have no tail (though some do) & tufted faces (though some don't). They DO NOT ever have muffs or beards.
Ameracaunas always have tails, never have tufts & always have muffs. E.E.s are a mixed breed made from Ameraucanas not Auracanas so they have tails & sometimes have muffs & sometimes lay colored eggs.
I went to the Ameraucana Breeders Club to get the following definitions completely unedited.

"According to the American Poultry Association (APA), the Araucana breed must be rumpless (no tail) and have ear tufts. Ear tufts are clumps of feathers growing from small tabs of skin usually found at or near the region of the ear openings. This feature is unique in the U.S. to the Araucana breed. This trait is nearly always lethal to unhatched chicks when inherited from both parents. Tufted Araucanas, therefore, are always genetically impure, i.e., they don't breed true and will always produce a percentage of "clean-faced" offspring.

The Ameraucana breed, on the other hand, has a tail and sports muffs and beard in the facial area. These characteristics are true-breeding. Other requirements of both breeds may be found in the APA's Standard of Perfection and in the American Bantam Association's (ABA) Bantam Standard.

The Ameraucana Breeders Club defines an Easter Egg Chicken or Easter Egger as any chicken that possesses the blue egg gene, but doesn’t fully meet any breed description as defined in the APA and/or ABA standards. Further, even if a bird meets a standard breed description, but doesn’t meet a variety description or breed true at least 50% of the time it is considered an Easter Egg chicken."

So in a nutshell:

Araucanas - rumpless, ear tuffs

Ameraucana - tail, muffs, beards

Easter Egger (EE) - any blue gene bird that doesn't meet APA or ABA std or doesn't breed true at least 1/2 the time

Hope this helps clear up the confusion.

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