American Baptists - I need your input/exprieinces please

now you just need to start a thread as to why you have a chicken perched on the bath tub awaiting sx.
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OK...... gotta run... the 5 minute soak should be done. Have to re-do bumblefoot surgery... her bandage came off and the swelling is not down as much as I would like. Lots of soaks, massaging and gently digging stuff out, then re bandage.....
good thing my patient is patient. Keeping her in the dark helps too.
Real interesting thread here tonight.
Spookwriter - I'm not ignoring you, you have presented some interesting info. And in the situation at hand, there is no question about whether the couple is married or not, she has volunteered they are living together as a couple with their child, but are not married.
wish I could help with the original topic, but I'm not a church goer at this point in my life.
Oh the ugliness that could grow from this!
There is a Baptist church here that kinda runs the town. I'm not kidding.
Been living here for almost 2 years now...and they aren't getting any kinder.
I've met SB's, but the people here are just vicious.
I do not think people should be pushed away because they are in a relationship and not married.
Today's world isn't really a safe place. You should live with someone for awhile, make sure you are compatible in all aspects of every day living.
It's responsible.
Some people, even though they are together and living together, haven't done anything "risky" if you know what I mean and they are waiting.
I don't know...I'm trying to talk without starting some heated debate.
I will leave though, knowing that I'm not good at this!
Stay Miyashi.

In a worthwhile discussion all views are important and carry
equal weight. To present your view honestly and without malice
only adds to the knowledge of all of us.

I agree totally! I grew up Presbyterian and have attended pentecostal and baptist churches as well.. I think more churches need to focus on teaching the word, and letting the lord speak to us all through a "true preacher" I know alot of churches have to have preachers that have went to some school or takin some classes to be ordained however that's all fine and good as long as they were a called preacher to begin with not someone who just woke up one day and said "Oh i think I'd like to be a preacher" and not have a calling from god. I feel like there are preachers and then their are teachers.

I understand the the "idea" that the preacher is trying to make, he's wanting every member to have a good representation of the churches beliefs. Of which one belief is not living together before marriage. But I feel as though if he's goin to say that sin is not an acceptable act for church members then all others such as divorce, liars, gamblers, gossipers etc.. shouldn't be accepted as well.. but how are you goin to know if the members are up to par so to speak without watching them 24/7. Everyone is a sinner and some struggle with their sins more than others. I feel like him asking this, is just goin to stir up trouble and possibly divide up the church, and you'll have members leave.

I think he needs to not worry about the "reputation" of the church, and worry about the souls of his congregation. Preach the word and if the members are doing something thats wrong, the lord will speak through him to deliver the message they need to hear. Let them work out their convictions in their own time. In all honesty if someone doesn't feel convicted about their lifestyle their not goin to change it. Accept everyone with open arms, dont belittle them for their wrongs. Love them and show the way. In the end it doesn't matter what man says or thinks about someone its whats in their heart and soul that only god knows and only he can judge.

I hope for your sake that things work out, cause it seems you love your church and faith, and I'm sure its putting a damper on your spirit. The memebers need to pray and ask for the preacher to have guidance in his works. Dont never worry about what "MAN" says always put it in the lords hands and it'll work out..

We are Pentacostals, and we try to love everyone, and not to judge. It's not up to us to judge others. We preach the Word, and let God clean their lives up.
I am not sure how the OP's church works but if you interviewed this guy and then hired him you should give him a chance afterall you are paying him and if you do not like him fire him.

As for the what the Bible says most who have read it already know Gods position on the subject.

I thought when you were saved old things pass away and you are a new creature in Christ and you are to lay hold of that. People who are really saved need nobody to tell them they are doing wrong the Holy Spirit writes the laws of God on your heart.

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