American Baptists - I need your input/exprieinces please

I would suggest that your elders not focus too much on one aspect of your church's new pastors wants. Some pastors need pruning also. It will be curious to see what happen.

I have seen churches split over these things... prayer is always good.
You make a good point about pruning - this is his first Senior pastor position, full in charge, on his own. And so far this is the first change he's suggested, but it's a biggie. And it comes only one month after being installed.

And yes, this is the sort of thing that can cause division, no matter which way it goes
I get it, BUT no sin is greater or lesser in Gods eyes. If we are going to withhold church "membership" due to premarital "activities" then we should also withhold membership to those who gossip, who covet, who indulge, etc, etc

I'm not saying I agree with the activity, but as Christians its our responsiblty to bring people into a right relationship with our Lord. It is NOT our place to "judge" the sin. Instead we should embrace and love the sinner!

My thoughts not trying to be devisive
We are Baptist. Our church would not allow that at all. That lifestyle is considered sinful, and membership is representative of the church body. Those two don't mesh. It's just how it is. we have not allowed folks to have teaching/leadership positions for the same reason. We have also had a deacon forced into resignation for gambling. We just do not want our church to be represented by folks who are exhibiting any form of rebelliousness or sinful living. I don't think asking potential members to make sure their lives are honorable to God, and proper representation of the rest of the church body is too much to ask. It is how it should be IMO, and both those referrenced instances the folks who had to step aside felt the same. One changed, the other didn't, one is still there, the other isn't back yet, but I have a feeling they will be soon
We love our folks, and they love us, and if you love something...sometimes you have to let it go and see if it comes back
The point I was attempting to make earlier is that the marriage
license issued by the various states is just a piece of paper. Not
issued by God, or any church.

Men and women have been getting married since time began. Shall
we know say because our great-great-great grandparents didn't have
a piece of paper, their marriage was not real?

Church and state.

Perhaps you were married in a large church wedding, and your friend
was married by the local Justice of the Peace. Are you then somehow,
more married?

What is the measure of a marriage then? Is it merely a piece of paper
or is it a lifelong commitment of the heart between two people?

I don't know the couple this original thread was about. And in no way am
I trying to judge them. But if they have made that commitment to each other
to life as man and wife, to honor each other, to stand by each other in good
times and bad then who am I to question their marriage?

Each of us probably know various married Christian couples. And no doubt
we've seen some of those marriages fail for whatever reason. But they were
married. And they probably had a piece of paper saying so.

But being married takes more than a piece of paper.

I can not judge another persons marriage. The church can not judge that marriage.

If a church is concerned about the image an unmarried couple gives to the church,
the church needs to be more concerned about the image it gives to the unmarried
I have seen new pastors right out of seminary tackle some of the harded to teach books in the Bible and after a few years they realize they really did not always make the best choices.

Your pastors' heart is in the right place but my own opinion on the subject is that he should be happy there are people in the pews to listen and not use rules as a means to control.

If membership is optional then he if he is in charge of that area in your church has the right to make the rules. I personally will not become a member of any church for the reason that rule keeping to ME distracts me from knowing the lord.
Yard full o' rocks :

I get it, BUT no sin is greater or lesser in Gods eyes. If we are going to withhold church "membership" due to premarital "activities" then we should also withhold membership to those who gossip, who covet, who indulge, etc, etc

I'm not saying I agree with the activity, but as Christians its our responsiblty to bring people into a right relationship with our Lord. It is NOT our place to "judge" the sin. Instead we should embrace and love the sinner!

My thoughts not trying to be devisive

Not devisive at all, your thoughts echo what some of our members said at the meeting. Withholding membership feels like "Judging" and that's not our business.​
I often hear how it is for Jesus and God to why is it so many people think they have that right?
To tell people how they can and cannot tell people where and when and on what circumstances they would be allowed?
I know that the main reason my boss makes those of us with piercings remove them for work is because it offends the population here.
Apparently, having a lip ring makes you a bad person.
That was totally off topic...but it's something that ticks me off everyday.
Perhaps your skirt does not amuse me? I'm not asking you to take it off.
I'm sorry my choice to have my lip ring offends you....doesn't make me bad at my job, doesn't make me a bad person.
Another thing I wanted to add...
Getting married these days, it's condemned. The government condemns it.
It's expensive to be married.
When it's just expensive to live as is....makes you feel like you can't go get married.
And perhaps...some people get along and simply live together because it's more affordable with the economy.
Everyone is struggling to get by....times are tough.
There are so many situations that could be taking place...
I know here, they wouldn't take the time to listen.
That makes me very sad.
You are your own can love can worship....and if the church you feel you belong with doesn't want you, worship in your the park....anywhere.
You don't have to worship in a church...especially not like the one here...where all the money goes to buying the pastor nice new windows in his home and a brand new Ford truck every year.
Plenty of people in need...but they seem to be ignored by said man....if you can even call him a man.
I'm sorry, that was a mess of a rant.
Simply a mess.

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