American Baptists - I need your input/exprieinces please

I love Spook's quotes on the marriage and living together.

Such interesting thread!

Sometimes churches and preachers can not "get on with the times". Eventually they will loose members and the church itself dies. Been happening alot here with the "old time" rules and more people moved on to churches that are flexible with their parishoners.
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I know in one of the churches I attended as a teenager which was Babtist, not sure exactly what kind of Babtist, but the members were asked to stay after the service to vote on certain things.. It was done by more or less the topic being voted on was presented to the church by the pasture, then the members were asked by show of hands who all agree'd ( such as in this case) if the persons asking to be members, should be allowed, then if no one disagreed that they shouldn't they became members. Kinda can make things akward if someone does disagree, but in my opinon if you feel something is wrong then you need to be upfront about it and not pretend that your ok with it, and more than likely say things behind their back..
Hmm, it seems to me that Jesus hung out with criminals and prostitutes and the unwashed masses. Perhaps the church's job is to love people and it is God's job to change them?

Just my 2 cents, of course.
Followers of the law versus followers of grace....

The former seems pretty darn confusing to me!

Must be why God made the latter

I'm FREE Woo Hoo I'm FREE!
Still, the men and women who take on the responsibility of leadership are held to a much higher standard because if they screw up, then everyone who they teach screws up. Because of this, I will pray for you and your church to be given the wisdom to figure this out in a way that is healthy for the people you care for.
This has happened around my parts. Very slowly, but it happened. One Pentecostal church didn't want to change with the times (no judgement there - I love that church) so followers went to a more modernized Pentecostal church across town.
Church members are dwindling down to nothing because of a difference of opinion. Some want the change, others don't.
Plain and simple, your group within the church needs to agree on HOW to read the constitution that's already in place. It's words can be ready in at least 2 different ways, I'm sure. The problem will be agreeing on how to interpret it.
You may read it as, the church should vote during services and get a majority rule. However, your pastor is going to read it as members only should vote and it has to be unanimous or said couple can't be members.
No offense but he sounds like a "my way or the highway" kind of guy
I may not matter what you find out in this matter. He will still make the decision himself because he's The Boss in his eyes.
Yes! I believe this is how our pastor would handle this (I go to a Bible Church)! If a person is really a believer, this requires a change in their heart not just baptism and membership. If they are living with someone and are not married this would have to change to be a member. By being a member you agree with that churches beliefs and interpratation of the bible, and living together with out marriage is against the rules. So to let them live in contradiction of the Church's doctrine, and God's Word and still give them membership makes it hard to have rules and standards. By all means bring them into the church, love them, help them, and teach them, but don't lower His standards just to get people in the door! I have heard it several times, but it makes sense "Love the sinner, Hate the sin"
Someone please, give me verses from your bible, that tell us
a man and women must be married by the law of the land before
their marriage can be recognized by the church.

My King James Bible does not say that at all.

Certainly, and probably like most christians, I disagee with the "wife
for a night" concept. Even a short time, months. To me that's wrong.

But if a man and woman make an honest lifelong commitment to each
other, in their heart and to God...are they then not as yoked to each
other as any man and wife?

I have been married to one woman since I was 18 years old. Through
the good times and bad. What a blessing she has been in my life. I know
I would be lost without her. And yet she is free to leave me on any day.
She does not stay because of a piece of paper that says we are husband
and wife.

She stays because we have devoted our life to each other. We have been
true and faithful to each other in all things.

Spook...who really likes being married to his wife

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