American Gamefowl

Speaking of Mason. .he took his ball outside earlier and got it wet. Brought it in. . pitched it up in the air. .it hits the floor with a kersplat and doesn't bounce.
He stared at it like what the hell. Picks it up and drops it. Splat again. Woofs at it and walks away like he was mad at the world. 😂😂😂
Poor Mason. His ball is broken. 😆
Mason still needs his rabies shot and both other labs are due for their booster.. I don't think I should try to take all three of them at the same time by myself.. Lol. Any volunteers? :lau
I'll go only as a videographer - I'd like to see that:gig

No video of Mason? :( I would love to hear him bay :)
Any of Ya'll use pine shavings from Southern States? I just opened a bag and found quite a bit of chunks, they look to have paint on them and some type of papery shred as well. Never seen anything like that.

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