Americana bantams...too young to sex?


In the Brooder
Mar 27, 2015
All three of these guys are the same age, got them as bantam Americanas. Is it too young to sex them? I've said it in an earlier post, but I cant have roos, so the sooner I know the better since I cant risk it crowing

You actually have Easter Eggers rather than true Ameraucanas. Hatcheries and feed stores frequently and incorrectly label their Easter Eggers as Ameraucanas (often mispelled as Americana or Americauna) which is a relatively rare and expensive true breed when in fact they are Easter Eggers which are hybrids produced by crossing blue egg layers with brown egg layers to produce offspring that lay eggs in colors other than just blue. There is a good article at explaining the difference between true Ameraucanas, true Araucanas, and Easter Eggers. As for gender, the center one at the back of the box is a cockerel. The other two look like pullets.
You actually have Easter Eggers rather than true Ameraucanas. Hatcheries and feed stores frequently and incorrectly label their Easter Eggers as Ameraucanas (often mispelled as Americana or Americauna) which is a relatively rare and expensive true breed when in fact they are Easter Eggers which are hybrids produced by crossing blue egg layers with brown egg layers to produce offspring that lay eggs in colors other than just blue. There is a good article at explaining the difference between true Ameraucanas, true Araucanas, and Easter Eggers. As for gender, the center one at the back of the box is a cockerel. The other two look like pullets.
You actually have Easter Eggers rather than true Ameraucanas. Hatcheries and feed stores frequently and incorrectly label their Easter Eggers as Ameraucanas (often mispelled as Americana or Americauna) which is a relatively rare and expensive true breed when in fact they are Easter Eggers which are hybrids produced by crossing blue egg layers with brown egg layers to produce offspring that lay eggs in colors other than just blue. There is a good article at explaining the difference between true Ameraucanas, true Araucanas, and Easter Eggers. As for gender, the center one at the back of the box is a cockerel. The other two look like pullets.
x2 on this.

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