americana hen or roo?

The two roos in my picture broke my heart too. You could do what I did and get new chicks to replace him
That certainly made me feel better.

i wish i could but i dont know where to get a americauna hen at
he was my only americauna i had, i was hoping for green eggs

Where do you live? Here in Portland all you have to do is look on Craigslist and there are dozens of farms selling pullets (all different varieties). Also, feed stores may have older birds that haven't sold yet. I know the stores here are still getting chicks too. If all else fails you can order some day old chicks from a hatchery......although for me that option seemed really expensive.
if its 5 months old and hasn't growed a comb yet, then ain't it a hen? I am thinkin a hen you have! congrats
how can you tell if its a americauna or an EE? and it still hasnt crowed so im hoping is a pullet
Ameraucaunas don't come in that color. There are lots of threads about it. I like EE's, they come in such pretty colors, but they don't always lay blue or green eggs, sometimes you get brown, pink or cream. They are usually considered Ameraucauna or Auracauna crosses, but I have also read that maybe they were the original birds Ameraucaunas were developed from.

I really do think it's a girl. My boys all had much bigger bright red combs by the time they were 2 months old.
Here is my Ameracauna/Buff Brahma cross at 4 months old....notice the nice red comb and saddles he already has at this age (even at 3mos, he was sportin)

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