Americauna.. laying light brown eggs?

Yep, the feed stores and hatcheries can be misleading. This spring I received 5 EE from Cackle Hatchery that were labled as Araucana/Ameraucana.
I thought I would be getting 5 blue egg layers. If you want true blue egg layers you have to receive them from a reputable breeder. I really love mine though. They have wonderful, loving personalities. They are very personable. Four of mine lay greenish eggs and one of them lays a pinkish light tan. Yours are very pretty.
There's nothing wrong with EEs (and I think green eggs are pretty); that's why I don't understand why the hatcheries lie about what type of chicken they're selling. Seems to me after they got their third or fourth complaint, some genius in marketing would realize, "Gee, maybe we should tell them what we're really selling them!"

Most people who want colored eggs will be happy to purchase EEs (and many will even prefer EEs), but they should have the right to make an educated choice based on accurate information.
Hey there everyone I am very excited I had to have my son come and show me how to post pictures on here pretty bad when our kids know more then we do... LOL
Here is some picture of my girls and Henny Penny laid her first egg today it is a light green color.
Here is some pics



I will work on adding the picture of the green egg ...
Green is very cool. And I'm with Windy Ridge-most people just want pretty colored eggs and they aren't breeding Ameraucanas to standard anyway. Why don't hatcheries just say what they're selling to the public?
Oh, that's pretty! Sometimes I think the green eggs are more obviously and darkly colored than blue ones are. Blue ones can be so pale, sometimes. I'm a little tempted to hatch out a few EEs from my Ameraucanas this coming spring... they'd be a mixture of Ameraucana and either Faverolles or Speckled Sussex. (Most likely Faverolles, from my observations, though... My Faverolles Gautier seems to be "their rooster.")

The blue and the brown egg laying genes together would probably make for a green egg, and that would be pretty in my basket. I also love the personalities of the two breeds, so I'd be interested to see how the chicks would turn out.

However, I'd also like to get some more Ameraucana eggs, just because my girls are so sweet and I love the wheaten coloring! And maybe a Marans or Welsumer or two for dark-egg variety... and... and...

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