Americauna with leg feathers?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 2, 2013
Paso Robles,Ca
We picked up some 2.5 week old chicks last week and got 3 Americaunas. Weather they are relly americaunas or just EE I don't know, but they look similar to other americauna chick picks I've seen. Anyways, we have one that is mostly just black, but it has sprouted leg feathers. Haven't seen any picks of any with leg feathers and I'm new to chickens so I don't know. Can Americaunas or EE's grow leg feathers or do we have something else? I will try to get a pic later if I can. Thanks.
amerucanas only come in 8 showable colors, the rest are ee's (most hatcheries sell ee's). If it has leg feathers it is either an ee or another breed altogether. EE's are any non pure breed that lays a blue to green egg

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