Ammonia in coop?

So I've read about how dangerous it is to allow ammonia to build up in your coop and how proper ventilation helps but how in the world do you test the ammonia level? Is there even a way?
Look into hydrion ammonia strips. They test levels of it in the air. You wet the strip, expose it to the air in the place you want tested for a few seconds and compare that to a color chart that comes in the kit. That will tell you the level in the air.
Do you know what cleaning ammonia smells like?

If you open the door to your coop and catch a whiff of that smell, you have a problem with ammonia.
If you pick up a handful of bedding off the floor and smell it and it smells like that you have too much ammonia in your coop.

It comes from excrement breaking down in poorly ventilated areas and high levels of it can kill birds.

Do you have good ventilation in your coop?
What type of bedding do you use?
How often do you refresh it?
Do you think you might have a problem with this?
Just a rule of thumb if you can smell it ya need to clean it. If your using bedding and picking up poop the moisture from the waste is still in the bedding. For example in winter the frozen ball of bedding and waste is a big ball. Shows you how far the Urines spread. If you’re just getting the poop piles on top your not getting it all. Does that make sense?
All living things produce ammonia at one point, whether it's from feces, urine, or other decaying organic matter such as dead animals and table scraps (banana peels, apple cores, etc).
It's likely that if you do have high ammonia levels in your coop (as people have said, you can use the test strips or your sense of smell, although test strips are more accurate), it's from feces or urine. You can fix this problem by giving the coop a thorough clean (remove and replace bedding, etc).

Good luck,
Button Quail 123
Do you know what cleaning ammonia smells like?

If you open the door to your coop and catch a whiff of that smell, you have a problem with ammonia.
If you pick up a handful of bedding off the floor and smell it and it smells like that you have too much ammonia in your coop.

It comes from excrement breaking down in poorly ventilated areas and high levels of it can kill birds.

Do you have good ventilation in your coop?
What type of bedding do you use?
How often do you refresh it?
Do you think you might have a problem with this?

112 sq foot for 10 chickens . We use pine flakes, once a month we have been raking it up and sifting it using some chicken wire, to get out loose dried feces, we reuse it and add a big bag of fresh pine ... That's our version of the DLM. We use a poop catch tarp under their roost. I think our ventilation is good- but I'm no expert. I'm not sure if I have a problem with ammonia,I just want to be on the safe side. I am pretty sensitive to scents and chemicals so I imagine I would be able to tell if it gets bad.
Just follow your nose.
My version of deep liter I use a glove. I pick up the liter “deeply” lol. I’m surprised how deep the wetness goes with just a little pile of poo on top. Come spring time I use just enough litter to protect the wood. But I only have 4 hens. I’m sure I’d come up with something different if I had a large flock. Sounds like you’re very concerned about your hens and their environment. I’m always adjusting and learning. Keep up the good work! Best wishes

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