amount to feed chickens


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 10, 2011
My coup is all fixed up ready for Aprils and the new arrivals. I`m recieving 30 ready to lay rsl. Now here is the question. Is it wize to just keep the feeders full and let them eat what they want or so much feed per bird per day. Thanks for the info

I have food available 24/7 as well as a bowl of oyster shell and a box of sand (for grit). Make sure you use layer feed when they start laying. With that many birds coming, you may want to consider having 2 or 3 feeders spread out so that all 30 arent trying to feed at the same feeder. It will also allow those lowest on the pecking order to feed away from the higher ranked hens and bullies.
I agree with the other two posters. I have food out at all times and just let them eat when they are hungry. I have 8 in the coop right now and I have three feeders so that no one goes hungry. I do have a small container of oyster shell out as well.
thank you for the great reply`s. looks like it`s fill it up and lots of fresh water.


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