An Angel's purpose

"Sylvia, this is not where you should be. Trenzalore is not a place for beings of... your kind." Sky hissed through tightly grit teeth. Her wrists were rubbed raw as she yanked on the chains. Sky leaned close to Sylvia's face intimidatingly, and Sylvia snarled. "Alright, I offer a challenge. You fight me with one weapon. It doesn't matter what weapon you choose. I win, you open the gates. You win, the gates remain closed."
"I don't trust you." Sky spat.
Sylvia put on a jeering smile. "Why not, sweetheart?" She put a finger under Sky's chin and lifted her head to look in her eyes. Her mocking white eyes. Sky retaliated with a sharp kick to her stomach on the spike of her boots, which made Sylvia double over, dropping the chains. Sky put a foot on the chains and pulled up hard on her wrists, snapping them with a moment of effort. She summoned her own pair of chains, glowing a strong violet - the same violet of the Faustian Contract.
"You demons are absolutely confined to the ground. You're so useless, you do nothing but cause havoc. Confined to the ground and wreak insanity among us."
"You're right, we are confined to the ground... Sebastian!"
Sebastian slunk from the bushes and shot out a barrage of knives as Sky's chains flung Sylvia up. The knives caught in Sylvia's wings and pinned her to the wall. "... and so you angels should be confined to the clouds!"

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