An egg of a different color!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 20, 2014
Albuquerque, NM
I am new to chickens. We have an Easter Egger & a Buff Orpington who are about 23 weeks old. We adopted a hen who turned out to be a bantam judging on her size & the eggs she started laying 2 months ago when we finally got our coop done! Lately she has laid a few eggs that are a darker brown than all the others and have faint tiny white flecks. I got one of each today. But I noticed the all the darker brown ones are slightly bigger than hers, but not what I would call normal full sized eggs. My Buff has started investigating the nesting boxes in the last week or so bit I don't see her sitting in there like I do the bantam. Could these eggs be from my Buff??
Congratulations on those first eggs! :ya It is quite possible that one of the eggs is from the Orp (or you might have a brown laying EE), a pullets first eggs are often quite small, they will gradually get larger over the next few months.
Look like eggs from two different birds. From my experience, I've never seen one chicken lay eggs that vastly different. They are pretty consistent in color.

Are you sure you have an EE? I though they only lay bluish, greenish color shells. But, then maybe there are EE's that lay brown eggs. Not sure. Someone else on this board may know more about that.

My Easter Egger hasn't shown any interest in the nesting boxes though. That is why I thought maybe the Orp! Can hens start laying varied colors of eggs?
I am quite sure that the first egg, the one on the left, is from your buff orp hen, I can tell you because mine lay eggs exactly the same color.
Hens will lay the same color of egg, but the shade can vary (ie a brown egg layer will always lay brown eggs but they can be lighter or darker due to various reasons). But with two eggs that different in color in the same day, would also bet that you now have two layers.
Hatchery EEs especially can lay any color of egg depending on what genetics they have in their breeding flock, most will lay green, but a certain % will usually lay some shade of brown.
In the other hand, the egg at the right side could possibly be from your easter egger hen since you don't have any other hens.
I got her from My Per Chicken & that is what I ordered .. So hopefully she is!! She has not shown interest in the nesting boxes. Just the Orp & bantam! Plus those two let me pet them & squat down with their wings fluffed out - like they want to mate I am thinking!! Lol!

Those are eggs of my two buff orps Bertha and Alicia they are different in a sense but i bought them both at a feed store and they were all buff orp female chickens.

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