An idea for heating the coop


10 Years
Dec 16, 2009
Indiana, USA
We have been discussing methods of heating the coop during the cold weather months and some have recommended the use of bottles of hot water.

I was out in our barn yesterday and there was our old propane turkey fryer with the 30 qt. aluminum kettle. I think the 30 qt. kettle would do a great job of keeping our little friends warm through these very cold times. The burner and gas tank could be set up inside the coop if there is some available space and then the kettle of hot water would not need to be carried to and from the coop. I think I would make sure there is adequate ventilation when the burner is turned on. Or the burner could be used just outside the coop. The water could be re-heated over and over again. And the lid could be strapped on to make sure nobody becomes chicken soup during the night and to keep the humidity down.


Any comments?
An open flame in an animal-housing building, with dry litter and dust and so forth, is generally held to be a particularly bad idea. Not even if you are there with them while using the flame. There is a significant chance that something will go wrong and the setup will end up heating your coop REAL good, real hot and bright, and not for very long, if you get my drift.

If you want to use a bucket of hot water for chickens to snuggle up to, just get a lidded bucket, or jug with a cap, and carry or wheel it from the house. Use a wheelbarrow or sled or etc as you see fit.

Or explore any of the many, many other ways of minimizing how cold your coop gets -- *without* incurring any significant safety risks. For discussion of coop temperatures (what's ok, and how to manipulate them) check out my 'cold coop' page, link in .sig below.

Pat, having known too many barn fires from people doing things they KNEW were dangerous but figured it would be ok 'because i'll be right there watching it'.

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