An Interesting Cockerel Event


14 Years
Jul 10, 2009
North Carolina Sandhills
My Coop
My Coop
The other day I was trying to capture an escaped hen (again -- one of them has been just terrible about getting out of the run), and had *just about* managed to corner her against the netting when Seti, a 4-month-cockerel, who had been observing the ruckus did something very odd that I don't entirely understand.

He reached through the netting and grabbed her by the back of the neck -- almost as if he were trying to mate.

I don't know if he was taking advantage of her being semi-cornered or if he was actually trying to get the escaped hen back into the flock.

It was interesting, but rather mystifying.

Rameses happened to be on the other side of the coop at that time rather than observing the capture attempts and Rameses II, the other cockerel, wasn't involved. Only Seti.
He was trying to seize the opportunity. From growing up on a farm to owning one now I can say that many times I have seen male livestock of all species try to take advantage of a mating opportunity when a female is cornered.

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