An only chick


Aug 30, 2019
Only one chick hatched two days ago and not holding out much hope on the others. Black rock i think, it was a mixed batch of six eggs. Have put in a brooder on his own but i have 3 four week old silkies in another brooder, can i put him in with them?
Hi, welcome to BYC! I would try putting him in a see-no-touch set up with them and monitor reactions before just releasing it into the group. There can be issues with feed sharing and bullying, or even just inadvertently being pushed around or trampled. If you conclude it won't work, consider getting another small chick to be its buddy....
Can you just rig a piece of fencing across part of the brooder so they can see but not touch each other as mentioned. The lone chick might like the companions and this would keep it safe :) if that doesn’t work a mirror and a stuffed animal might help.
Cant find day old chicks nearby for sale. Fixed a mirror tile, put a little teddy bear near to heat lamp and cut a window (with mesh over) between the brooders so they can get acquainted. Thanks for the help!

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