An unexpected death


Free Ranging
Jul 31, 2021
SE Michigan
I woke this morning to find that one of my girls had died in the night. She did not show symptoms of illness, that I noticed. She was only 19 months old. I'm shocked and sad. She is my first loss.
Goodbye, Trixie šŸ˜¢

Reading through older posts, I'm wondering if I offered too many fatty treats. I'm wondering if I caused this
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:hugs I am sorry to read of your loss. Sudden deaths are bewildering, and while it's natural to wonder if you had a role to play in it, it would be more productive to have Trixie necropsied if you want to find out what happened to her. It's almost certainly not 'fatty treats': ā€œFatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome (flhs) in poultry is associated with high carb, low-fat, selenium-deficient diets given ad lib.ā€
Macwhirter chapter 31 'Malnutrition' Avian Medicine p851
So sorry for your loss. Was she the one who was laupying soft eggs or very large ones? Have any been acting off or hanging around longer on the roosts in the morning? If I were you, I would try to do anecdopsy on her body, and look at her abdominal organs. Look for any large blood clots near the liver and large amounts of fat. Take pictures and post them here for opinions. Or have your state vet do a necropsy on Monday. The body needs to be kept cold, not frozen. Here is a good video about chicken necropsy and the organs are labelled:

I just had the first death in my flock, sad. I have been very ill for a week and a half and could only do the necessary tending of the flock, obviously I missed my Henrietta not being well. Everything suffered from my illness not being able to perform daily tasks, but I never thought I would lose my hen well almost hen she would be 1 in a month.
I just had the first death in my flock, sad. I have been very ill for a week and a half and could only do the necessary tending of the flock, obviously I missed my Henrietta not being well. Everything suffered from my illness not being able to perform daily tasks, but I never thought I would lose my hen well almost hen she would be 1 in a month.
I'm so sorry. Heartache on top of illness. šŸ˜ž
I hope you are feeling better, health-wise

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