Anatomy Questions


Chicken Juggler!
Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Nov 27, 2012
SW Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
Not great pics sorry.

What is this bulge in the intestine very near the vent?

Also in the neck area along side the trachea and esophagus were some 'blobs' of tissue, not quite like fat but.....I have no words.
You can see the crop to the right, trachea/esophagus/neck skin going off the left.....'globs' are below those.
Anyone seen these?

The first picture looks like a possible internal hernia. Never seen that on any of the birds I've cleaned. (I clean 30- 70 on the weekends at the local farm)

Second picture, I believe, is part of the Endocrine system ( ) Part of a series of glands spread through out the body.

Those are my best guesses anyway.
Thank you!

2 young(13wo) cockerels had the 'hernia'...I didn't think it was normal, but have only butchered 10 birds so wasn't sure.

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