And MORE grit questions...sand, age and timing


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 1, 2012
Wetumpka, Alabama
My girls are 9 weeks old now, and just moved into their new coop. They won't have
access to outdoors for a few weeks until their run is completed. I'd been
offering them microwaved fine sand (to kill any buggies before bringing indoors
to brooder previously) that we have on our property rather than store-bought
chick grit. I offer it on an old cookie sheet for them to scratch on and eat, and I refill tray
every morning with just a light coating of sand, as they'll just poop on or scratch
out a lot if I over-fill. We also have a pile of builders sand available outside.

Two questions:
Would the coarser sand be okay to offer at this age (treats are mostly dried cereals, oatmeal, veg and fruits (no grains)?

Do I need to wait (like I have been, for about 20 minutes) for them to get a good crop-full of sand before giving their treats, or can they get their treats with the sand readily available after they're done ingesting? Does it matter? I know once outdoors they'll take what they need off the ground, but want to do it right while they're "cooped up".
The coarser sand will work. You don't need to wait to feed them. The grit works instantly as it arrives at its work station. In fact there is usually grit already in the gizzard, it doesn't pass through like food does. As you read about chicken, or hang around here long enough you'll come across pictures of the gizzard cut open showing the stones the chicken has picked up to use as grit.
Thanks! Had no idea if the grit stayed for a while or how fast it moved on thru to do it's job. That'd be interesting to see inside the gizzard..I might have to check that out! And, I will start offering the coarser sand :)
Holy moley, check that out..pretty cool! Now I also have a visual to go with my limited gizzard knowledge:) I'd love to check out the link you added to learn more, but looking at what else is listed in the link address, and that you say it's graphic, I know I have to pass! But thanks for sharing the pic..interesting!

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