Angel wing in ducks, & how we wrap to mend it - Pictorial

Ya they seem to bully him tho even the runt
Of course they always pick on the under dog or duck in this case. if they are picking on him then why not keep him in separate area with a buddy for a while till he gains more weight and can handle himself better. I know that's not always feasible but I can't stand bullies and will do what I can to keep it from happening .
We used Vetrap and wrapped both of her wings to her body. She got out of it the first time. We rewrapped her and it stayed. After 7 days I cut it off and was so hopeful the wings would be corrected. But they still stick out and hang down low, away from her body!! I am just sick about this!!! Is there anything I can do to correct this?? She is probably 3 mos. old. Wonder what causes this??? I was feeding her chick starter, and then layer pellets and cracked corn, which my hens get. Now I am feeding her Flock Raiser, and NO corn!! She is free ranging during the day and in with my hens, so she still would have access to layer pellets. Any advice would be appreciated!! I never gave her niacin when she was younger--didn't know that I should be. What is it for??
I think my gosling has this. He is about 6 weeks old and I think its been like this for about 6 days. Should the wrap still work? I've heard that too much protein can cause angle wing. Is that true? Should I change his feed? He`s currently getting purina flock raiser, corn, and grass.

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Ok, so I tried to wrap it like the pictures, but that didn't work and he started pulling the gauze apart. So I tried just wrapping some somewhat sticky stuff called medipore around it. That seemed to work, but now I'm worried its not on right and/or that its too tight. What do you think?


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I don't think I like the way it bulges at the top, so unless someone thinks it looks pretty good I`ll probably redo it tonight. Is wrapping both wings ok even if only one of them is AW?
About all you can do is wrap both, and as long as not too tight and it keeps it on leave it alone and on for about a week and see how it is after that. Some say too much protein but I feed FR too and have never had angel wing in any of my flock, I think now they are leaning more on genetics. Keep the corn to a minimal, and give lots of fresh greens, kale, collards, romaine lettuce instead. along with the FR.
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Do you still need to wrap
If is because they are developing their new wings and are heavy? He can lift them up but they gradually droop again....???

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