Angry diva chicken!

Chicken poppy

Fashionably late
Premium Feather Member
May 9, 2021
My chicken Emily, is quire funny when she gets mad.
So when she gets mad, you can tell. She gets BRIGHT red, like a tomato. When she calms down, she gets pale again.

The strange part is, when she gets REALLY angry, she thumps her feet! Like a rabbit. She pecked another chicken, and when i tried grabbing her, (bright red) she thumped her foot like 5 times really fast. I tried again and she did the same thing! She has done this i think once or twice before. Its really strange! Is this normal??

And while we’re on Ems personality, whenever a new chicken gets sets down near her, comes near her, or someone walks up to her, she flaps her wings. Is that like a greeting or something? :idunno
Can you get a video of any of this? Depending how she's flapping her wings can tell if she's scared or not. As far as the feet thing, I used to have a hen who was nicknamed Happy Feet because she often did some thumping with her feet.
Can you get a video of any of this? Depending how she's flapping her wings can tell if she's scared or not. As far as the feet thing, I used to have a hen who was nicknamed Happy Feet because she often did some thumping with her feet.
I’ll try getting it on recording! She seems really calm, it just kinda confused me. I wasn’t sure if it was a greeting, some dominance thing, im not really sure.
Aww! Thats cute. Em would be angry feet, though. Cause she seems mad when she does it. :gig

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