Animal Rights Legislation Would Make Eggs a Luxury Food

On the other hand a local raw dairy had it's customers come and buy thier goods at the courthouse (or oversite HQ one or the other) in protest of new laws saying they could only sell thier product from thier own or thier customer's place without licensing and inspections. Meaning customers would either have to come to thier dairy or they would have to deliver to customer's homes. If selling at farmers markets etc. they would be required to purchase licenses and all.

If they aren't requiring those that sell jellies and baked goods to do the same at farmer's markets it does seem discriminatory.

I understand wanting to protect the public from unsafe food sources so I'm torn. Licensing does cover costs for inspections but those inspections are cursory at best. Once a year dosen't mean "safe" that once let alone safe ongoing. It certainly dosen't do much to keep foods being consumed from being geneticly altered, hormone enhanced or loaded with "goodies" that are not good for a body.

If there is a health problem found, shutting down or overseeing remedediation makes more sense for smaller operations. They don't do more inspections based on volume tho, dosen't matter if 20 people might be impacted or 200,000.
As a small business owner, I know what you mean by intrusion, fees, inspections, more inspections, more fees, city fees, county fees, state fees, registration costs, fees to pay fees. Did you know it costs a fee to register to pay sales taxes in Fl? Fees for fees! Do I laugh or cry?

However, I do think that in any high stakes game, there needs to be referees or you can't have a good game based on competitive skill. I also think that if you have enough money, you can make your own laws. I hope we can move away from that and all play by the same rules.

The banking industry as well as Wall Street have not done a brilliant job of self regulation much to the dismay of many former home owners and retirees. A free market has to be regulated. Even Adam Smith was worried about corporate manipulation of government. Right now those that move money around and produce nothing are favored over people that create things of value or provide useful services.

I realize that you do have to have a certain standard for food products,but they go way over board with them.I occasionally have an extra dozen of eggs that I sell,but for the most part, the extras are given to friends and realities. My eggs are better for you and safer for you to eat than the ones you buy at the store.Better for you because I feed them the best that I can.No chemicals,steroids other animal waist,etc.I give them food that is good for them and is natural.This keeps the hens healthier and this allows for healthier eggs.They get to move around and get exercise,dig for bugs and natural food, They are safer to eat because when you sell or give them away they are fresh.When mine go as fast as they then they don't have time to go bad.The ones that you buy from the stores,the chickens aren't fed properly,aren't raised in a decent place as to get exercise and stay healthy and you don't know how long the eggs have set around to be shipped,or put on the shelves.
I don't like animal rights groups because when they get an inch they take a mile.Killing animals for food and clothing has been around since the beginning of time.When you have an animal that is down and needs to be killed, There's nothing wrong with that.I hunt but eat the game,My family fish and we eat the fish,I raise chickens for eggs and when their time comes for the dinner table I eat them.This is survival.I don't agree with cruelly to animals,but in life you need to use common sense.The Government or these groups have no common sense.
I know I got off a little bit and sorry,But it's the Government and these types of groups that make it hard for the ones that want to live a free life.I do know a women that actuality thought that eggs were manufactured.There are people that do not realize where their food comes from and what is really involved in the farming aspect no matter how small it is or how big.Chickens,pigs,cows,and so forth.The Government is afraid that they aren't going to get their taxes from the small family out here trying to make a living.They don't care how much the big man is stealing from them.Sorry
I learned a lot watching Joel Salatin on youtube (polyface farm). The way he does his layers is very nice. I want to call him and find out what he does to protect his roosting hens from owls.

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