Animals to protect or alert when flock is in danger?

Yes, guinea fowl (only females are hens, just like chickens and turkeys) are a free-range type of bird. For one thing, they get antsy when confined. Secondly, they really can't do their job of tick control and security patrol if they are confined. On the same note, they do wander a lot. Of the thirteen hours or so that mine are out of the coop and run, they spend about three hours not on my property. It used to be more but maybe now that they are approaching a year old they are satisfied with their explorations and being closer to the food, water, and potential treats/scraps. They don't really hang out with the chickens which is for the best. The chickens run the other way when they see them coming. The chicks learn to do the same very early.

A really good rooster can work just as well. My Japanese bantam rooster is on the ball when it comes to watching out for predators, and he calls the alert and gets everyone back to safety.

One thing I will do differently in the future is have a separate coop for the guineas. Right now they share a coop with the chickens and if I don't get out there early enough to at least open the coop door, there is some bickering and squabbling.
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SunHwakwon - thanks for the info. Two of my babies from my second group are roosters. They are bantam cochins but one, Tank, is already a leader at 7 weeks old. We shall see how he does as he matures. My second roo, Thunder, is definitely second in command. He may even be the last in the pecking order behind the ladies.

Our dog is part Lab and part Border Colie.

She's a great flock protector. If there are any disturbances with the flock she lets us know. We had a Cooper's Hawk snatching doves off the deck, and she alerted us to that predator.


She's chased several prowling cats out of our yard at night, and we actually had a person try to gain access through our back door. Missy quickly convinced this person that that choice would be incredibly painful.

Course lately it's usually a chicken that climbed the fence and is in the garden.

It will require training, if you are comfortable with that comittement.

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