Another CAT! And he's a bold stalker


Spam Hunter
12 Years
Nov 6, 2009
I've sen him several times lately. Had not seen him since monday night. My first time ever.

I'm sitting right here at my desk and it's about 1am. I don't have AC and I never leave my front door open in my neighborhood. So since there's no screen door I wait till all the birds have gone to bed and open the back door.

I was up late watching a hatch and had just sat down. I had 2 brooder boxes in my kitchen floor. One had quail chicks that had hatched 3 days before, but only 4 of them, so I kept them inside. I also had one baby in the other brooder. It was the early one to hatch and was peeping up a storm.

I see a shadow coming into my kitchen and looked for something to use as a weapon close enough I wouldn't have to run for one. Looked down on the floor where my grand daughter was laying because she fell asleep during story time and I grabbed pillows so I could lay down there with her. Then I rwalize this is a 4 legged intruder. I've never seen a raccoon out here ever, like I did when we lived in the Bay Area. They are everywhere there. Instead there's a black cat with white socks. It looks up towards my table where I had the hatcher and then turns suddenly to stare at the brooder boxes. Takes one step more and I was up and yelling "Get you fuzzy a** out of my house!" Woke poor Makayla up and she was so scared she ran for the hall. She thought someone had broken in and was so fast asleep he could remember where she was supposed to go it anything every happened like that. So I laid down with her and told her it was alright and that she did good to run, so she'd be safe. Then we said we were going to go on another cat hunt.

Well, now he's stalking. I've never seen him before. It usually one of these numerous orange cats that I have to worry about.

He walks down the side of the neighbor's yard and watches, sits in the fence behind mine across the alley and I had to control myself last night when he was strectched out and sleeping in my driveway exactly where my front tire would go. Plus there were 2 more cats just past my drive, laying in the street. My daughter says "hey mom, cats!" I looked and said "oh so tempting" and we laughed. Just so everyone knows, I would never intentionally run one over, I'm just so sick of those sneaky killers that I can't stand cats even more than before. I'm to the point of hating them. To top it off the kids next door came running out last week to show me his new kitty. Cute, but I'd prefer it was a rug.

Last month another cat got into my garage. I swear I see NO entry. I've checked over and over again and I have no idea how they get it. YUP another orange cat. I had lots of chicks that I had hatched out for a man that wanted some layers. Lots, my best hatch ever. I could have paid my bills with the $4 a piece he would have brought me that monday. Not the rent, but my utilities, which I'm now worried over since I have shut off notices on all of them. So hundreds of dollars out the door. It just chewed them up, didn't even eat them because I counted every lifeless body. Did I mention I hate cats?

This cat was the one we saw jumping my fence with kittens in it's mouth. Now ok, maybe the kittens were hungry, but she didn't take off with a couple, she just killed them. I caught her and the kittens later that night and the next day I dropped them at the shelter. Kittens were probably close to being able to be adopted out.

So here I think that the saga of the orange tabbys is almost over, but now I have a new one to deal with. I don't want my dogs to kill these darn things, but once they see the dogs are put up, they start having chicken dinner parties in my backyard.

It's me against these stupid cats and I'm not going down without a fight and I refuse to lose one more chick to their hairy butts.
Put a good fence around the chicks and you won't have any more problems

The brooder is 1/4 hardware cloth and 2x4's. I'm going to have to take the top off add a piece of wood and hinges and a hasp. Only thing I can think to do. I can barely lift that stupid lid, so they must really be dead set on getting in.

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