Another Egg Bound Hen.


RIP 1969-2017
Jan 10, 2014
Hmmm....I'm really not liking this season too much so far. I have 4 hens who are either having issues laying or are laying weird eggs, I have 3 that are laying just fine, and 7 that haven't even started to lay yet. I need some fingers crossed, prayers, or whatever your willing to send this way this morning, because I have one of my favorite girls steaming it up in my bath tub right now.

I found her on the ground this morning, she was due to lay last night. She is semi-paralyzed so I know it's egg binding. Did a vent check and the egg is right there about 1/2 inch in, I lubed as best as I could with olive oil, (no KY on hand). She has had 5 ccs of calcium gluconate watered down, and it is about 85-90 in the bathroom now. This is not a tame imprinted hen, so she is not liking all this. I've avoided trying to massage it out to try to keep the stress lower. She is still able to poop as she has done so on me twice now.
Here is hoping that she pulls through quickly.

Be sure that you post everything that you do to help your hen, it will help us newbees if and when it happens to us.

I now know that I should have on hand KY jelly and calcium gluconate, it's on my shopping list. Should I send you some rubber gloves?
Here is hoping that she pulls through quickly.

Be sure that you post everything that you do to help your hen, it will help us newbees if and when it happens to us.

I now know that I should have on hand KY jelly and calcium gluconate, it's on my shopping list. Should I send you some rubber gloves?

Thank you! And thanks for the offer, but I'm pretty well stocked. I've already done the digital vent check and it's there, but not moving yet. I do have Vaseline, but I had not seen that recommended, only KY and Olive oil. This is my medicine cabinet, it's 4' wide x 3' tall and I could probably medicate most of the Pea forum.

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Between you, me, and the mad scientist we are pretty well stocked!
I would imagine we are!
I know I put my TSC to shame, most of this I have had to order off the computer. I just received a pack of 8g stainless crop needles from India, been looking for those for awhile now.
Tell us what you would use the 8 gauge crop needles for. (please)

I have a much smaller gauge crop needle that I bought from my vet years ago. I use it to administer liquid meds, wormer etc.... I love it because it is curved and just the right size to get past the windpipe, smooth buffed ball tip as well, so no fear of rough edges like you can get on plastics. I have also used it for feeding, but the gauge is so small that I have trouble even with Kaytee getting thru. These will make the feeding a lot easier. My hen just took another poop and then stood up unsteadily for a couple minutes, no egg yet though.
I bought and used a FR 10 latex on a hatchling the other day tube feeding, I would be totally freaked out trying to use a stainless steel one. I would be afraid that I would puncture the crop or something else while inserting it. You are braver than I am, certainly more skilled.
I bought and used a FR 10 latex on a hatchling the other day tube feeding, I would be totally freaked out trying to use a stainless steel one. I would be afraid that I would puncture the crop or something else while inserting it. You are braver than I am, certainly more skilled.

One of the vet techs at the bird vets office is a wild bird rehabber, so she tube feeds seriously tiny babies. And she was nice enough to teach me how to use the crop needle, I had a sick Pea chick there and she went over everything, demonstrated and then had me do it. If not for her I would have been too scared as well, but I've been using this thing for 3 years and I love it.

Hen pooped again, she must have eaten well yesterday. She stood up when I got too close, she was unsteady, but kept her balance for several minutes, I fed her a small amount of potato bread which she ate happily. I have a small water dish in there, but haven't seen her drink yet.
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I can see where a solid tube would make it easier for one person to feed. I have to have help from DW, holding the bird, opening the beak, and inserting the tube while the syringe dangles is really hard to do.

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