Another example of chicken intelligence...sort of..


Free Ranging
17 Years
Jan 26, 2007
central Ohio
We put whole peanuts out on our deck and in the feeders for the wild birds. The chickens have never touched the whole peanuts, presumably not understanding they have goodies inside, and thinking they are rocks, or something, if they even think that much. Today the hens and our chief roo Dazzle were standing around hoping I would drop birdseed. I broke open a peanut, broke up the contents inside, and fed them to the hens, while Dazzle watched closely. He then dashed over to the nearest whole peanut on the ground, broke open the shell, chopped up the nuts inside with his beak, and called the girls! He then broke open maybe two more peanuts before he either lost interest or no longer retained the information about peanut opening, not sure which. It will be interesting to see what he does the next time I put peanuts out....
That was pretty smart.
Not surprised, but pleased to see these stories that shed light on how smart our feathered friends can be


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