Another new guy

ktm rider

8 Years
Nov 28, 2011
Hello I have been lurking a while and decided to join up finally. I live in Western Md. on our family property and we have 15 hens right now and one single silkie rooster. We have a few Red Sex links, Rhode Island Reds, Leghorns and barred rocks.

We have had our birds for about 4 yrs now and i have learned alot about chickens in that time. everything from how to deal with them in the severe winters we get to how to protect them from predators. Including my farm dogs whos chicken kill talley is up to about 20 birds so far in two separate incidences. Wifey calls them the great chicken massacres of 2009 and 2010.

I'm sure I will learn alot more as a member and I can't wait.
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from Southern New England.
If you have been "lurking" (the gentler term is being a guest) for some time, as well as already owning chickens for --wait! twice as long as we have?! -then you can probably answer some questions posted on here, too.

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