Answers ASAP Everyone!

Feb 17, 2021
I just found one of my chickens had fallen into the water barrel for our cow and he is shivering, hackle feathers rose up, and he is just a little bit breathing heavy, a little like Darth Vader. I don't mean alot, but when I first found him, he was pretty bad - breathing heavily I mean. Now his breath is better but I don't know what to do! HELP! And hurry!!!!!!
Only his body was but he must have gone under because his head was still wet, but yes, I will put a heat lamp over him... will he survive? Is it like pneumonia?
His head could have gotten wet from his trying to get out. He should be ok, (pneumonia)
reason for asking if he was under water. Warming him is the main thing right now, keep an eye on him.
Update! He is walking around, breathing normally, not closing his eyes so much, but he is still shivering (just a little). Got him under a heat lamp, tho, he is trying to run away from me! I have a close eye on him. Thank you all! This is why I love BYC!
Unless it's cold outside he will be fine. Just get him dry and let him do his thing. Right now he is stressed and you keep messing with him will stress him out more. Just keep an eye on him and let him go about his business. He aint the first chicken that has taken a swim.

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