Antibiotics for severe bumblefoot in duck


In the Brooder
Apr 16, 2022
Hi everyone, I have a question about antibiotics for ducks with severe bumblefoot. Its a long, lump in my throat, story that I’ll try to condense. I took three Pekin girls to see a recommended vet about their bumblefoot- one hen had quite a mess. They cleaned her up a bit and prescribed Clindamycin pill capsules and an anti-inflammatory tablet. When I got home it was impossible to give her the meds. She was so upset and freaked out I couldn’t do it. She also was upset to be away from her flock. So I called the vet the next morning assuming I could get a medication that could be mixed into her water. I got the royal run around for two days and finally they left a message saying, no we don’t have any of that. I’m so mad and upset I want to scream, but I have to figure this out. I read an article saying the Doxycyclin, Amoxycillin and Penicillin are appropriate for ducks. I can easily buy Doxycycline powder online and I think I can figure out the dosages but I welcome any advice. Does anyone have any experience with Doxy and ducks? She‘s 7-8 lbs. Thanks to anyone who can help 🙏🏼 🦆
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Hi everyone, I have a question about antibiotics for ducks with severe bumblefoot. Its a long, lump in my throat, story that I’ll try to condense. I took three Pekin girls to see a recommended vet about their bumblefoot- one hen had quite a mess. They cleaned her up a bit and prescribed Clindamycin and an anti-inflammatory. When I got home it was impossible to give her the meds. She was so upset and freaked out I couldn’t do it. She also was upset to be away from her flock. So I called the vet the next morning assuming I could get a medication that could be mixed into her water. I got the royal run around for two days and finally they left a message saying, no we don’t have any of that. I’m so mad and upset I want to scream, but I have to figure this out. I read an article saying the Doxycyclin, Amoxycillin and Penicillin are appropriate for ducks. I can easily buy Doxycycline powder online and I think I can figure out the dosages but I welcome any advice. Does anyone have any experience with Doxy and ducks? She‘s 7-8 lbs. Thanks to anyone who can help 🙏🏼 🦆
this is the product:
It looks like that's a powder.
I would mix the prescribed dose with a small amount of water and suck it up in a syringe and give it to them that way following the instructions in that link I gave you.
Only mix up what you need for each dose. It's not going to dissolve in that water. So you need to make sure kind of shake It up good suck it up and do it quick.
Hi everyone, I have a question about antibiotics for ducks with severe bumblefoot. Its a long, lump in my throat, story that I’ll try to condense. I took three Pekin girls to see a recommended vet about their bumblefoot- one hen had quite a mess. They cleaned her up a bit and prescribed Clindamycin and an anti-inflammatory. When I got home it was impossible to give her the meds. She was so upset and freaked out I couldn’t do it. She also was upset to be away from her flock. So I called the vet the next morning assuming I could get a medication that could be mixed into her water. I got the royal run around for two days and finally they left a message saying, no we don’t have any of that. I’m so mad and upset I want to scream, but I have to figure this out. I read an article saying the Doxycyclin, Amoxycillin and Penicillin are appropriate for ducks. I can easily buy Doxycycline powder online and I think I can figure out the dosages but I welcome any advice. Does anyone have any experience with Doxy and ducks? She‘s 7-8 lbs. Thanks to anyone who can help 🙏🏼 🦆
this is the product:
What did they give you, pills or?
If I were you I would really try to give them the medication the vet prescribed.
It looks like that's a powder.
I would mix the prescribed dose with a small amount of water and suck it up in a syringe and give it to them that way following the instructions in that link I gave you.
Only mix up what you need for each dose. It's not going to dissolve in that water. So you need to make sure kind of shake It up good suck it up and do it quick.
Did you Send me a link?
Pills, the Clindamycin. We just couldn’t do it. It seemed very traumatic to them and I’m by myself most days. I know I couldn’t pull them myself.
I understand it's not any fun.
If you're by yourself try wrapping them in a towel and take them them in to a dimmly lit place.
You can do it, I promise. I have to do it by myself all the time.
Clindamycin would probably be a better choice in my opinion. Most chickens can be taken off the roost at night or shortly before daylight, and will swallow a tablet of capsule. I have a head lamp that has a red light option, and it keeps the birds calm when I come in. If a drug needs to be crushed or opened and added to food when they are awake, I have used liverwurst (liver cheese,) canned cat food pate, scrambled egg, and cream cheese to mix in the medicine. When holding a bird in one arm, you can take your fingers and squeeze the beak to open it, or pull down on the wattles, place the pill, capsule, or liquid in their, and release the wattles for them to swallow. There are quite a few videos online on how to do this.

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