Anticipation and anxiety.. Need some questions answered..


11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
I was watching my eggs yesterday, and there was a ton of peeping coming from one egg in particular. I was sure that this was going to be the first one out, but it's not, it's been passed by 4 other chicks so far. Yesterday while it was peeping up a storm, it was rocking something fierce, but now nothing.

Has it died before ever pipping the egg? If it was peeping, shouldn't it have pipped the egg? I was so excited to watch it rock back and forth, but now that it's still I'm beginning to worry. Do they suffocate if they don't open the shell once they start peeping?

I know, I'm doing my best to sit on my hands, that's why I'm here roaming BYC. I just hate to think that it grew well all until this point and died inside the egg because it could not break the shell.

Sometimes the first to peep or even pip are the last ones to make it out of the shell. There's no reason to worry until Day 22.
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:| Day 21 started yesterday in the evening, so here any minute now day 22 is gonna start. I still have on zipping, right now.

How long do they typically have after they begin to peep? Aren't they using their air cell once they start to make noise? I just don't want it to suffocate.

LOL Hatching always makes me crazy..

Okay, so the hatch is running a little late, but it is still in progress, so I still wouldn't worry.

They will not suffocate inside the shell; the shell is porous and air can reach the cell. They can drown if there's too much fluid, but in that case all would be quiet. Besides, is it possible he's pipped on the very bottom of the egg? Sometimes, they'll do that.
Okay, it makes me feel so much better knowing the eggs are porous. I knew about the humidity and water thing. As for pipping at the bottom, the eggs are laid on their sides. So he's welcome to pip whichever side.

Thanks alot for letting me know the shell is porous, that's really what I needed to know.


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