Any Amphibian owners here?


Free Ranging
7 Years
Feb 16, 2017
Dietrich, Idaho
Hi everyone,

As the title suggests, I am wondering if there are any amphibian owners here.

I have two Leopard Frog tadpoles that I got in the mail today. I’m trying to grow them into frogs. I’ve got instructions on how to do so, but I’m trying to figure out how to set up the tank/habitat for when they turn into frogs.

If someone here has experience with amphibians, and is willing to give me some advice, I would greatly appreciate it.

Here’s a picture of them.


I can also keep you guys updated on how they are doing, if you want.

Any help or advice will be appreciated,

I am a amphibian owner.if I were you I would get a ten gallon tank at petsmart,
fill it with water, put some rocks and such in, and then add the tadpoles.

First, I wanted to say thanks for getting back to me. Second, I think you misunderstood my question.

I have the tank for the tadpoles, but I need to move them to a bigger tank when they turn into froglets, one that’s about half water, half land. I’m trying to figure out the set up for that tank, for when they turn into froglets.

I appreciate you getting back, though. Thanks a bunch!

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