Any bird EXPERTS?


Aug 2, 2020
Anyone know these bird species...I live in CA if that helps.
Some other things you may include...
Are they male or female?
Any facts for them?
All el

Here are the pics


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That picture of the bird in the tree is a male western bluebird, and you can attract them to bird feeders with mealworms.

The picture with the two yellow birds are Lesser Goldfinches OR Lawrence's goldfinches. This is an irruption year for them, so you are lucky to see them! The one on the left is a female and the one on the right is a male

The little sparrow like birds are Golden Crowned Sparrows- all pictures are of adults (both genders look the same) .

I'm not an expert, although I am a avid birder. :)
That picture of the bird in the tree is a male western bluebird, and you can attract them to bird feeders with mealworms.

The picture with the two yellow birds are Lesser Goldfinches OR Lawrence's goldfinches. This is an irruption year for them, so you are lucky to see them! The one on the left is a female and the one on the right is a male

The little sparrow like birds are Golden Crowned Sparrows- all pictures are of adults (both genders look the same) .

I'm not an expert, although I am a avid birder. :)
Thanks! you do seem like an expert to me...according to your name as well

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