any clues about my blue chick?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 3, 2008
Hello my name is Amanda! I just joined this site last nite in hopes that you all might have some ideas as to what breed, maybe even gender, my blue chick is. I got it for Easter. I've never had chickens before, so I don't have much knowledge about breeds or determining gender. I've been doing lots of research and it's somewhat confusing.... I would appreciate any input or thoughts I can get, THANKS!!! Here are some pics, it's about 2 1/2 wks.old and has 4 toes...
I am going to say white leghorn, it has thin legs and is white with a single comb. As far as gender, I am going to say girl, it looks feminine in the face. The pic of it looking at the camera is cute.
Also do you know of any sites or links I can go to to view pics of the suggested breed as baby chicks and full grown?
I found plenty of pics of White Leghorns. Mine sure does look like one! Does anyone know how to determine the gender of a White Leghorn. Do they make ok pets? Also, do you have any other suggestions as to what breed it might be? Do chickens do well with ducks?...
In my experience my duck did ok with the chicks. Ducks are so much messier with thier water and feed than chicks. The chick might get cold because of all the wet bedding the ducks make so keep an eye out for that. I have 2 white leghorns and they are very flighty and very good layers. Hope this helps.
It is really way to early to tell the sex but I have to think it is a rooster because most of the dyed easter chicks are leghorn roosters. Hopefully it is a girl, but be prepared for a boy.

If you are wanting to keep chickens they are best in pairs or groups of 3 or more as they are very social creatures. I would go back to the feed store that this little peep came from and see if they have sexed pullets (females). I would get 2 that way they can keep each other company and if the blue peep is a boy you can fine him a home and the girls will have each other for company. Of course this is assuming that you do not want to keep a rooster.

Good Luck and welcome to the site!
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Thank you all sooo much for the info!!! I was wondering, if I go back to the feed store to get a couple more chicks should I get some that are the same breed or would it be ok to get different breeds? I was thinking about getting a couple of Buff Orpington's. Because I think they are pretty and of course heavier so they probably won't be as flyghty... Any suggestions?....

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