Any goose-whispers out there? :)

well, we have 3 geese

Guardian the Gander, he has a loud, echoing, mid-tone honk that usually ends with a squeak

Milk the goose, she's quite quiet most of the time, but when she does, she's more of an Alto

Sugar, we are still trying to figure out what it is, quite possibly another gander
Sugar is the noisiest, it does a LONG~~~~~~ call when it wants something
like, when in the morning it wants to be let out, during the day when she wants to go for a stroll,
or when she wants snacks, etc

In the morning, when they first get out of their pen
the first things they do is stretch their wings, honk honk honk and run up & down in the garden
they play honk is usually shorter than their "I want something" honk, closer together

they also make all sorts of other quieter noises
I would try to copy them and they would actually "talk" back
though nobody has any idea what the other's saying, haha~
but they really like this kind of interaction
I talk to them in "faux-goose" and English
I can tell they really prefer "faux-goose"

If u wanna make your bonds stronger
I would definitely recommend trying to talk to them
doesn't matter what
u can saying whatever, but make sure the tone is calm and casual
so that they can differentiate when u r telling them off for bad behaviour
copying the noises they make, or just make a bunch or birdie noises yourself, either is great

I love talking to my goose babies
hope you have a great time with it too :)
Another thing you can do- squat down or sit by them. They are not threatened when you get down on their level. You have to be careful of ganders though- I have one that will try to climb on my back if I am not looking
The only goose I can speak accurately is the little low pitch "Gerk gerk, gekgerkgerk." Kate says when I go out into the yard for a smoke really late at night. It's almost like a combination of "Oh, okay, it's just you" and "Nothing to worry about." she might be telling the ducks she guards.

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