ANY guesses NOW????


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 26, 2011
Oh here are some better pics (I think) I am the MOST curious about the yellow/black ones that have white and black wing feathers coming in. Also the lil brown striped ones have me a bit curious as well..ANYONE??


The color isn't as good as I would like but these lil girls (hopefully) were the cutest yellow and black when I got them. They still have the lil black spots on their heads. Their wing feathers are coming in black and white...I am truly at a loss as to what they are!



BELOW are the brown striped ones. ANY GUESSES????
The one in the last pic I believe is a new hampshire or RIR...

Im new to guessing gender and far from being able to guess at any chicks that aren't sex links (thats all I have, plus one BO mix), but I wanted to tell you that they are adorable! Im very curious what they are as I can get some ;-)
Or Ancona, who knows?

The second pic of the brown chick, looks like a Welsummer, the one with the V and if it beats the odds, it should be a pullet.

The next chick that is sitting next to the Welsummer looks like a Speckled Sussex due to the white tips on feathers if it has a single comb.
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Interesting! I too think the lil brown striped ones are welsummers. Personally I am leaning towards the Exeq leghorn for the lil yellow/black ones due to the spots on their heads. BUT time will only tell!
BTW: They are ALL "supposed" to be pullets but I think I may have a cpl roos in the mix. But that's ok these are my very first!!!!!

I do appreciate everyones input!!!
I would agree that the brown striped is a Welsummer. I have some, and this one looks just like my girls at that age. The V and the eyeliner are pretty strong indicators that you have pullet(s). (Couldn't tell for sure if there were two pics of the same bird, or two different ones.) The yellow and black look like Exchequer or Ancona. Hard to tell for sure. Very pretty birds, regardless. The other looks a bit like a RIR, but I could be wrong there. I'm way far from an expert on this!

I am SO TOTALLY in agreeance!!! Can't wait to see if we are correct as to what they turn into!!!!
I am pretty sure one of the RIR's is probably gonna be a boy by his mannerisms and the way he is feathering but hopefully of the 14 I have MOST will be pullets (all are supposed to be!)

Not sure where you are but if you are in WV I know a good lil place that has a few of our littermates! They are dollbabies (maybe a lil biased)

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