Any guesses on what breed this pullet is?

ol scratch

In the Brooder
5 Years
May 18, 2014

I really like the colors of this pullet and I really want to know what breed she is. She came out of a mixed pullet bin from Atwoods.
She was sick and died later that night. I have around 40 birds, and they don't all make it. She was the only one of whatever breed she was. The only other birds I've had trouble keeping are the speckled sussex. All the rest are going strong. She had been sick for 3 or 4 days, but was eating and drinking well. I just really liked her and want more like her. I just don't know what breed she is.
Looks like my blue laced red Wyandotte bantam.
It was still just a flat, bare line above the beak. It was going to be a rose, walnut, or maybe a very small pea comb. I have a pair of blue laced red standard Wyandotte. The coloration is completely different than of that little pullet. The grey on her head was a darker shade than the easter egger pullets I've seen online that sort of had her color and pattern. I just really like those colors and pattern. Just got a trio of lemon, barred cochin yesterday. It's more cuckoo pattern than barred. I haven't seen anything like them before. The hens are tiny but lay an egg twice the size of any bantam I've ever seen. Almost as big as a RIR's egg. I'll post pics when I can.
Atwoods carry chick's from Ideal hatchery and they do carry Wyandottes. I just really want a positive i.d. but I know that may be impossible. I have a pair of blue laced red Wyandotte and I like them. Heck, I'm still ecstatic about my trio of lemon, barred cochin bantams. I had to clip John's, the roo, left spur. It was needle sharp and the hens weren't having nothing to do with him. He is subdued now, but madder than a wet hen at me. My wife just looked it up and we are ready to concur 99.9% with juvenile blue laced red Wyandotte. Thanks folks but any other leads will be followed up and appreciated.

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