Any hatcheries in Texas?

I use Ideal Poultry as well, I would hate to have baby chicks come from so far away, Ideal Poultry is near us in Cameron, TX so its the best place for us, so far no issues with the hatchery or chicks. Best of luck!
I have been looking seriously at Ideal for my first batch of chicks. Aside from glowing reviews, they are also within driving distance for me (in Conroe) and will let me pick the chicks up. I'd much rather go get them myself, rather than put them through the stress of shipping.

Has anyone else picked up chicks from Ideal?
I have been looking seriously at Ideal for my first batch of chicks. Aside from glowing reviews, they are also within driving distance for me (in Conroe) and will let me pick the chicks up. I'd much rather go get them myself, rather than put them through the stress of shipping.

Has anyone else picked up chicks from Ideal?
Conroe is close for me, that'd be great!
Ideal is in Cameron, TX. I'm in Conroe, LOL. Cameron is about 2 hours from me. I found out when placing my order that they only allow pickups on Wednesday. I work, so that's a no-go. But since they're do close, the shipped chicks should get to me within 24 hours, and my husband has volunteered to pick them up, since he works in town, and I don't.

If Conroe is close to you, you may want to look at coming to Montgomery County Tradin' Days. The next on is October 13th. There are ALWAYS loads of chicks; all different kinds. I'll be there, so make sure to let me know if you go; I'll make sure to say hi!
Ideal is in Cameron, TX. I'm in Conroe, LOL. Cameron is about 2 hours from me. I found out when placing my order that they only allow pickups on Wednesday. I work, so that's a no-go. But since they're do close, the shipped chicks should get to me within 24 hours, and my husband has volunteered to pick them up, since he works in town, and I don't.

If Conroe is close to you, you may want to look at coming to Montgomery County Tradin' Days. The next on is October 13th. There are ALWAYS loads of chicks; all different kinds. I'll be there, so make sure to let me know if you go; I'll make sure to say hi!
Oh awesome i'll have to go! Do they typically have chickens like wyndottes or silkies?
I don't remember any silkies at the last one, but I definitely saw some silver laced wyandottes, some barred rocks, some red sex links, and a bunch of game birds. There were also peacocks, pheasants, guineas, goats, and rabbits. So fun!

My husband and I are early risers, so we always go early, but most of the tables are set up by around 9 AM.

I hope I see you there! I'd love to make a chicken friend, LOL

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