All of those horses are beautiful. Love them
Sure wish we could have a horse, our girls would flip out
if they woke up one morning with a horse in the backyard.
Don't apologise they are wonderful,

thank for the pics.

That foal is so cute, they are all lovely, the Negev looks like a good place to ride, you are having a wonderful life, thank you for a peep.

You lucky, lucky person.

He is Alpha Wap's Alabama by Wap Spotted & he's at Claire Amm's Alpha stud so you can get babies if you like her horses.

The Negev was pure desert so it was fun to ride through the sand & bedouin tents with their camels etc but the outride picture is from the other side of the country on the Mediterranean where I now live. Thank you guys, it's a good life.
All our valuable horses are stalled when not ridden so space isn't a requirement if you can pay the big feed bills for a stalled horse. It's not ideal but very common & they all survive just fine. Horses are going so cheap in the US right now, it's the time to buy.
I always wished my mom would surprise me with a horse in the field like International Velvet. It was a dream that never happened (I had horses, just never the surprise one) though she did used to make me muck out with my hands (not for pee) so I would remove only the necessary shavings. Just make sure if you ever do surprise them, to get a suitable quiet pony that won't hurt them or scare them off riding.
Once I'm more secure here & have saved up a bit, I'll get myself my own horse which I think will be a stallion that is completely unhandlable & unridable as I really want a challenge this time.
I train 20-30 horses a day so I want something that won't bore me.
I wish.

It sounds like one of my dreams. Although, one of my setbacks would be the hot weather.....I HATE hot weather......

If I had a choice of either dying of the heat or of the cold, I would rather die of the cold.
along with all the chickens we have 11 horses to take care of too i have 4 grandkids they all ride westeren barells in poles and my wife and i ride too. we all do trail rideing too when we have time.
I do equine rehab. We presently have 11 head of horses here.
Mostly OTTTB's that were broken down at the track.
BEAUTIFUL horses all!!!
I did H/J and cross country when I was younger.

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