Any idea what breed she is?

sourland is 100% right about not all Araucanas being tufted. I'd say you've got a pure Araucana or very high percentage at the least. Lucky you! They are fairly rare and hard to find.
Agreed! Its pretty common to see people post that they have Araucana, But pretty rare that they actually have them! Pretty bird.
Thank you all so much. I'm not new to animals, but I'm new to chickens. I've been driving my husband crazy with chicken "trivia", since I've been burning the internet up learning all I can. My permanent coop will be here today and my run will be up by the end of the weekend. As I sit here, I can hear the neighbor's rooster ( he adopted me about 2 months ago) crowing out by the small coop the girls are in. Hope everyone has a great day.

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