I got these from someone that was unsure what they are and I was wondering if anyone can give me some insight as to what breed they are. I am thinking the 2 are female and the white one is unknown. lol..
Looks too me like a Texas A & M white coturnix cross and two coturnix. There is some color variation amoung them, but the one in the middle is on the pail side....they all might be from the same hatch if it was a white and standard coturnix cross.
my guess is A&M for the white. the middle one is italian or golden and the last one is the wild or pharaoh. pharaoh is a female for sure but not sure about the other 2.
Well, they are definitely all coturnix (AKA pharaoh, Japanese, stubble, etc.) The first is 'A&M' or a cross there of. Second looks like a female Golden, from the patches of spots extending from the shoulder. The third is either a brown or a jumbo, depending on adult size, but likely a brown if it's growing at the same rate as the others? I'm honestly debatable on that ones sex, I see ruddy on the breast that's close to the amount my males had at the "Mohawk" stage like that so I am inclined to say male but would be able to tell better once more head feathers come in.
They're very nice looking birds, such a funny stage when they're mostly feathered out like this. Cool to watch them grow out.