Any ideas as to the breed of this tiny bantam?


8 Years
Jan 15, 2013
We got this chick in the assorted bantam bin. My son picked it out and got the smallest one of all. Idk if I have ever seen one this small. haha. It is only half the size of the other chicks its same age. It is a little over a week old I believe. I got it 10 days ago. The poor things feathers are bigger than its body. I have no idea as to the gender either.

This pic shows just how tiny she/he is. Very loud and vocal.
I don't know but she is SO CUTE!
Thank you! My son loves his tiny baby. Idk what he is gonna do when it finally decides to grown. haha. Funny how our profile pics are similar. lol
Yeah, they are. I didn't even notice. I LOVE the chickens with feathered legs because they remind me of cowboy boots:)

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