Any ideas for my sick chicken?


6 Years
Apr 27, 2013
I believe she is a Hamburg. Toward the end of March we lost one of the Hamburgs and now this one is acting similar.

She’s been laying, seemed healthy til today. Droopy tail, listless, runs when I try to catch her, though. After catch, she was throwing up yellow gritty watery mix. I held her upside down and massaged her crop. Not much came out. R wing seems to droop. Breathing slightly noticeable w slightly open mouth and ever so slight tail dip on each breath.

Won't eat. I took a spoonful of yogurt and held it so the tip of her beak went in it. Eventually she would taste and swallow it. Left her with vinegar water, but haven't seen her drink yet. She just sits there. Any ideas what this might be?
Ummm she could possibly have some sort of respiratory problem but we sometime get this, we call it the typical sick chicken look. At the vets we get an antibiotic which I can find out the name of on Monday if you like and we sometimes try "powder c" as well but it is always a bit hit and miss. Sometimes the medicine works, sometimes it doesn't. Hope this helps.
Thank you, AmberRex! So encouraging to know I'm not the only one. I am concerned that this is going to keep going through the whole flock, whatever it is. I don't want to lose my girls if I can do anything to stop it. I also have a flock of new chicks almost ready to go out into the same area of our yard (segregated, at least at first). So I don't want to spread any disease if I can help it.
Keep them chicks separated just in case and try to isolate as much as possible. Keeping her confined and quiet will do her the world of good.

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