Any ideas on breed for these chicks?


7 Years
Sep 11, 2012
Harrison, Georgia
Got a batch of Leann's Adopt me Bargain and a batch of rainbow layers from Meyers.... Any ideas helping me determine the breed of these chicks?

Mystery Chick #1

Gold face, white chest, underbelly and wings, brownish black back. Wing feathers coming in are black and a cream/butterscotch color. Feather legged, so I am guessing some sort of cochin?

Mystery chick #2

Another feasther legged fellow. Mostly brownish with yellow chest/belly.
I am guessing maybe Partridge cochin? any ideas???

Mystery Chick #3

Fuzz is a silvery blue/grey with really pale yellow (almost white) chest and belly. Clean legged. You cant tell it from the pic but it has small pale yellow muffs thought they are not as big or fluffy as my EE chicks.
Would love for it to be a blue Ameracauna...but probably not likely.

Mystery chick #4

Your guess is as good as mine.....

Thanks for any help!
First one could be a buff brahma
I agree with #1 and #2.

Question, what did you get in Leann's special? How many chicks/ varieties? LArge fowl, bantams? Anything other than chicks? I've been thinking of ordering that but have no idea what it's like...
In Leann's Adopt Me Bargain I got 8 Silkies (all have died but 2), 3 Polish (1 arrived dead but the other two are healthy and happy), 2 partridge cochins (1 died), several easter eggers, 1 Ancona, 1 Buff Brahma and several other assorted birds. It was a really nice assortment, but the birds didn't seem as healthy as those in the other assortment. Out of the 25 in Leann's assortment plus the extra chick, I ended up losing about 13 chicks. The Rainbow Assortment I got were much healthier and I only lost about two or three out of this lot of 25 plus 2 extra.

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