Any ideas on the new guys...


8 Years
Jun 30, 2016
QLD Australia
We have come to take in 2 new chickens today...earlier than planned, but hopefully we can give them a home. We were told they are both Sussex, one being a light sussex, the other im not sure...columbian or coronation maybe?! Ages are only approximates, they could be a week out either way.


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The first is a Light Sussex. If I'm not mistaken, the second bird is a Coronation Sussex. They were all the rage a few years ago, but I've not seen many of them around on here lately.

And they're both pullets
The first is a Light Sussex. If I'm not mistaken, the second bird is a Coronation Sussex. They were all the rage a few years ago, but I've not seen many of them around on here lately. 

And they're both pullets :)

Thanks. Hubby couldnt remember exactly what she said. They were unsexed though & i just hoped we would get lucky.

I absolutely love the grey/white. She is just beautiful.
Ive named her Chelsea. The light sussex ive named Delilah. They are both very pretty birds. Im really hopeful you are right & they are both pullets.

Approximately what age would they start laying?
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Usually 20-22 weeks for those ladies. Should be light brown eggs that start pretty small and get larger over about two months. 

Thanks Donrae. I done plenty of reading last night & read they can be quiet late layers. This doesnt phase me too much though, they are so pretty to just to watch.

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