Any ideas?


In the Brooder
Apr 7, 2016
So I got these chicks from tractor supply company on April 1st. They were 24 hours old. The only info I've been given from them was "pullets"

Someone told me the black ones look like australorps, but they didn't look like australorps as chicks. The red ones I was originally told are Cornish cross. Clearly they are not.





These were the red ones as hatchlings


This was the black ones as hatchling

The red birds are production Reds. The black and brown bird is a black sex link. Does the black bird have any red/gold color? She may be a dark sex link, or she may be an Aussie. The chick pic of the black bird, is that the black and brown bird or the black bird?
The one that looks solid black has brown under her neck, chest. The black ones all looked the same as hatchlings
So sex links means chicks look different pullets vs roos? What do they each look like for when we start incubating?
Oh dear lord. I think I'll just incubate some and let them grow and see what happens. Right now I'm not even certain if I have only 1 roo or 2. And how to tell which eggs came from what hen

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